The Trustees of SHINE Academies have appointed an Interim Advisory Board at Busill Jones Primary School to oversee governance on a temporary basis. The Board meets once per month to provide robust support and challenge to the School on their school improvement journey.
If you would like to contact the School about any issues regarding the Governance of the school, please do so via the school office or email postbox@busilljonesprimary.co.uk in the first instance.
If you wish to post a letter to our Chair regarding the Governance of the school, please post a sealed letter For the Attention of A Picken, Busill Jones Primary School. the letter will be passed on immediately and without question.

Name | Governor Category |
Vacancy | Co-opted community representative |
Nicola Bayliss | Ex Officio Headteacher |
G Draycott | Ex Officio CEO SHINE Academies |
C Nightingale | SHINE Trustee Representative |
A Picken | Chair |
A Rogers | External representative |
For more information about Busill Jones Governors - Busill Jones Primary School - GOV.UK (get-information-schools.service.gov.uk)
For more information about SHINE Academies Trustees please follow the link- About Us | Shine (shineacademies.co.uk)
Any Governor correspondence should be addressed to:
Miss A Picken
C/o Busill Jones Primary School
Ashley Road
West Midlands and 2022/2023