At Busill Jones Primary School, we follow the Little Wandle Synthetic Systematic Phonics Programme. The programme teaches our children to be confident and fluent readers from an early stage. The programme begins with the Foundations for Phonics in Nursery before progressing into the full scheme through Reception and Year 1.
The progression of GPC’s (grapheme-phoneme correspondences) has been organised so that children are taught from the simple to more complex GPCs, as well as considering the frequency of their occurrence in the most commonly encountered words. All the graphemes taught are practised in words, sentences, and later on, in fully decodable books. Children review and revise GPCs and words, daily, weekly and across terms and years, in order to move this knowledge into their long-term memory.
Children who are identified as not keeping up with the pace of the programme are supported through the Little Wandle Keep Up programme (EYFS and Year 1) or the Rapid Catch Up Scheme (Year 2 and above).
The following website link will take you to the Little Wandle parent section of their website. On the website you can find resources which will help you support your child with saying their sounds and writing their letters. There are also some useful videos so you can see how they are taught at school and feel confident about supporting their reading at home.