School Uniform
​All our uniform is available from Willenhall Market or Crested school wear in Walsall, but non branded items can be purchased from any supermarket
School Uniform for Nursery, Reception, Year 1 - Year 5
School logo round neck sweatshirt or school logo cardigan (available from Willenhall Market at a low cost, see details below. Logo badges can be purchased on our ParentPay to sew on to plain jumpers/cardigans)
Sky blue polo shirt (no logo, can be purchased at a low cost in most supermarkets) or sky blue open neck shirt/blouse, NO TIE
Grey trousers, skirt, shorts or tunic (no logo, can be purchased at a low cost in most supermarkets)
Grey, black or white socks/grey or black tights
Blue and white check dress (Summer Term only)
Black formal, hard-leather school shoes (good quality, hardwearing school shoes can be purchased at a low cost from larger supermarkets)
No trainers, canvas or leather pumps, branded/logo footwear or boots (please be aware that not all shoes sold as ‘school shoes’ are accepted under the uniform policy. If you are unsure and would like to check before purchasing, please contact Mrs Tolley)
School Uniform for Year 6 only
Navy blue blazer with school logo. Pupils will be given a blazer at their Year 5 into 6 graduation assembly in July
Sky blue shirt/blouse and school tie
Grey trousers, skirt, shorts or tunic (no logo, can be purchased at a low cost in most supermarkets
Grey, black or white socks/grey or black tights
Blue and white check dress (Summer Term only)
Plain black formal, hard-leather school shoes (good quality, hardwearing school shoes can be purchased at a low cost from larger supermarkets)
No trainers, canvas or leather pumps, branded/logo footwear or boots (please be aware that not all shoes sold as ‘school shoes’ are accepted under the uniform policy. If you are unsure and would like to check before purchasing, please contact Mrs Tolley)
PE kit for all pupils (provided by school for all pupils, nursery-year 6)
Red school logo round neck t-shirt (replacements available from Willenhall Market at a low cost, see details below)
Plain black shorts
PE kit bag
Black pumps
Our children participate in Physical Education throughout the year. If you would like to provide your child with items to wear during the colder months please send in plain black tracksuit bottoms and a plain black jumper, no writing or logos please (can be purchased at a low cost in most supermarkets)​.
Please note that to secure best value for money, we’ve considered both cost and quality of garments. This ensures items can stand the test of time and therefore limits the amount spent on replacing worn out items.
We operate a second-hand uniform shop in school, please speak to Mrs Tolley for further details. If you would like to donate any second-hand uniform in good, clean condition, please hand this into reception.
We have also negotiated a very good price for any uniform purchased at Willenhall Market. School logo jumpers, cardigans and replacement PE t-shirts can be purchased at a low cost from the uniform stall every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.
Parents must mark ALL items of clothing with the child’s name
We will keep a stock of shoes in school. Any child arriving in trainers or in shoes not adhering to our uniform expectations as stated above, will be given the shoes to wear during school hours.
Pupils’ hair must be tidy. Hair that is medium or long in length must be tied back and no extreme hair styles are permitted.
Cosmetics such as mascara, lipstick, eye liner, nail varnish etc. are not permitted.
Hairstyles should not have patterns or tram lines shaved in.
Rings and Jewellery
The wearing of jewellery is not allowed at Busill Jones Primary School. Ear studs are allowed but they must be removed for P.E., games and swimming for obvious safety reasons. Other forms of body piercing are not allowed at our school.
Lost Clothing
We make every possible attempt to recover lost property. However this task is made much easier if all items of school clothing are marked with your child’s name either with a name label or indelible pen. At the end of each term, the Lost Property box will be placed in the foyer for people to view. Items remaining at the end of each term will be either disposed of or put into spare stock.
Items of real value including PSP, DS, toys and mobile phones are not allowed in school. Whilst we exercise normal care in school we cannot guarantee the safekeeping of such items and so will not take responsibility for them.